Social Media Toolkit and Resources

This promotional e-toolkit will serve as a resource for you to promote the Perinatal Health Strategic Plan. You are crucial in spreading the word about North Carolina's efforts to strengthen families and address inequities in infant and maternal health, and we thank you for your work!

These are a mix of tools to help promote the NC Perinatal Health Strategic Plan in the community you serve by using your organization's social media platform, website, and other means.

Goal 1: Example of Image + Messaging

Ensuring health equity, the opportunity for everyone to have good health, is a central tenant of the North Carolina Perinatal Health Strategic Plan (PHSP). The economic, social, and environmental conditions where people live, learn, work, worship, and play all affect perinatal health outcomes. The PHSP addresses economic and social inequities by promoting evidence-based strategies around undoing racism, closing the education gap, reducing poverty, and supporting working families. Learn more here. #NCPHSP #ReduceHealthInequities #UndoRacism #ClosetheEducationGap #ReducePoverty #SupportWorkingFamilies

Goal 2: Image + Messaging

We've all heard the adage, "It takes a village to raise a child." The North Carolina Perinatal Health Strategic Plan looks to build up that village by focusing on strengthening families and communities. Learn more about evidence-based strategies that invest in community building, promote reproductive justice, enhance the coordination and integration of family support services, and strengthen father and co-parent involvement here. #NCPHSP #StrengtheningFamilies #InvestinCommunity #ReproductiveJustice #Fatherhood

Goal 3: Image + Messaging

Birth outcomes aren't just a product of a pregnancy - they represent health across a lifetime. That's why the North Carolina Perinatal Health Strategic Plan focuses on improving health care for all people of reproductive age. Learn more about evidence-based strategies that expand access to high quality health care, improve access to and the quality of maternal care, increase access to preconception, reproductive, and sexual health care for people of reproductive age, and provide interconception care here.  #NCPHSP #AccesstoCare #HighQualityHealthCare #PrimaryCare #4thTrimester #CenteringPregnancy #Doulas #Pregnancy #Postpartum

Last Modified: April 24, 2023